TEM18T Smart Signal Conditioners

Product Features
- J, K, T, N thermocouple or PT100 RTD input
- Active or passive mA or voltage output
- PC configurable via mini USB socket
- Free configuration software
The Tempatron TEM18T smart signal conditioners accept resistance or mV signals from RTD or slide wire within the range of 10 to 10500 ohms (including PT100, 500, 1000, Ni or Cu sensors and slide wire sensors up to 100 kohms) as well as 13 different thermocouple types. The TEM18T provides a voltage, bipolar voltage or current output. A transmitter power supply is provided on the output allowing the TEM18T to accept sink or source mA applications. The signal conditioners are housed in a compact DIN rail mounting enclosure and are powered from either 10 to 48Vdc or 10 to 32Vac. A USB interface is fitted for connection to a PC (using a standard USB to mini USB cable) for configuration using the free configuration software. The TEM18T is powered via the USB interface from the PC during this configuration process.
Key Terms: Tempatron - TEM18T - Signal Conditioner - Temperature Transmitter